Přednáška: Prof. Eric Dwyer „Situating English within (and without) Florida’s Multilingual Narratives“ (24.4.)

23.dubna 2023, 10:03

In 1964, Coral Way Elementary, situated in the heart of Miami, opened its doors as one of the first dual language immersion programs to offer content curricula in English and Spanish in the United States. Indeed, in Miami, Spanish is used roughly in 75% of all homes.

Začátek události: 24. 4. 2023 14:10 - 15:40
Místo konání: místnost P104, hlavní budova FF UK

Více informací na: https://www.ff.cuni.cz/udalost/prednaska-prof-eric-dwyer-florida-iu-situating-english-and-without-floridas-multilingual-narratives/